Monday 1 December 2014

Moodle Quizz - DiM 1-12-14

A very old strategy I find useful to prepare quizzes in Moodle.

Let's prepare a quizz with a question or two of each type, and fill the fields with a description of what they do, for example,

* Multiple question
* Multiple question Correct answer
* Multiple question Wrong answer
* True or False question

And so on with all kinds of questions we want to use.
Then we export the quizz in GIFT format.
So we will get a template that can be used to prepare questions in a text file without having Moodle on line.
We can prepare questions in a tablet, phone, train or on the beach, to be imported later.

In fact even better if we remove not required codes.

We can even specify the category where we want our questions to be imported to, or mix several categories on the same text file.
Preparing this template, is also a good idea to understand the many possibilities of Moodle questionnaires.

If you do not want to do it, here is my template.
I took out almost all the codes computers need to make it nice and easy for us (people).

* Please edit it to add your questions
* Import it to your Moodle
* I wish I had more time to fix things nice.

Finally one more thing:
It's worth taking the time to understand how the Qualifications section Moodle control how we can save calculations hurry before the evaluation. It is very flexible and allows you to add notes manuals attitude among many other possibilities. Lets show and hide the notes to students in a safe and private 24 hour / 365 days.

Note: This is a communication from 28th Jornada DIM

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